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Crowd Control Webinar Terms & Conditions

By registering for and attending this webinar, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions.

Registration and Participation


This webinar is open to individuals who are at least 18 years old.


Participants must register through the provided registration link. Accurate and complete information must be provided during registration.


Only registered participants will receive access details for the webinar. Sharing access details with unregistered individuals is prohibited.


Intellectual Property

Content Ownership

All content provided during the webinar, including but not limited to presentations, videos, and materials, is the property of Crowd Control and its affiliates.


Participants may not reproduce, distribute, or publish the content provided during the webinar without explicit written permission from Crowd Control.

Conduct During the Webinar

Respectful Behavior

Participants are expected to behave respectfully towards the presenter and other attendees. Harassment, discrimination, and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.


Participants are not allowed to record the webinar without prior consent from Crowd Control. Crowd Control reserves the right to record the webinar for internal use or future distribution.


Privacy and Data Protection

Personal Information

By registering for the webinar, participants agree to the collection and use of their personal information as described in our Privacy Policy.

Data Usage

Personal data collected during registration will be used to facilitate the webinar and may be used for marketing purposes in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability

No Guarantees

The information provided during the webinar is for educational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results.

Technical Issues

Crowd Control is not responsible for any technical issues that may prevent participants from joining the webinar or cause interruptions during the webinar.

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Crowd Control shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the participation in the webinar.


Changes to Terms and Conditions

Crowd Control reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will be communicated to participants via email or announced during the webinar.


Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Utah. Any disputes arising from these terms and conditions or the webinar shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Utah.


Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us at amigo@crowdcontrol.co.

By registering for and attending the webinar, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions.